YARA-based scanning with osquery

There are two YARA-related tables in osquery, which serve very different purposes. The first table, called yara_events, uses osquery's Events framework to monitor for filesystem changes and will execute YARA when a file change event fires. The second table, just called yara, is a table for performing an on-demand YARA scan.

In this document, "signature file" is intended to be synonymous with "YARA rule file" (plain-text files commonly distributed with a .yar or .yara filename extension, although any extension is allowed).

YARA Configuration

The configuration for osquery is simple. Here is an example config, grouping some YARA rule files from the local filesystem:

  // Description of the YARA feature.
  "yara": {
    "signatures": {
      // Each key is an arbitrary group name to give the signatures listed
      "sig_group_1": [ "/Users/wxs/sigs/foo.yar", "/Users/wxs/sigs/bar.yar" ],
      "sig_group_2": [ "/Users/wxs/sigs/baz.yar" ]
    "file_paths": {
      // Each key is a key from file_paths
      // The value is a list of signature groups to run when an event fires
      // These will be watched for and scanned when the event framework
      // fire off an event to yara_events table
      "system_binaries": [ "sig_group_1" ],
      "tmp": [ "sig_group_1", "sig_group_2" ]

  // Paths to watch for filesystem events
  "file_paths": {
    "system_binaries": [ "/usr/bin/%", "/usr/sbin/%" ],
    "tmp": [ "/Users/%/tmp/%%", "/tmp/%" ]

The first thing to notice is the file_paths section, which is used to describe which paths to monitor for changes. Each key is an arbitrary category name and the value is a list of paths. The syntax used is documented on the osquery wildcard rules described on the FIM page. The paths, when expanded out by osquery, are monitored for changes and processed by the file_events table.

The second thing to notice is the yara section, which contains the configuration to use for YARA within osquery. The yara section contains two keys: signatures and file_paths. The signatures key contains a set of arbitrary key names, called "signature groups." The value for each of these groups are the paths to the signature files that will be compiled and stored within osquery. The paths to the signature files must be absolute paths (not relative paths). The file_paths key maps the category name for an event described in the global file_paths section to a signature grouping to use when scanning.

For example, when a file in /usr/bin/ and /usr/sbin/ is changed it will be scanned with sig_group_1, which consists of foo.yar and bar.yar. When a file in /Users/%/tmp/ (recursively) is changed it will be scanned with sig_group_1 and sig_group_2, which consists of all three signature files.

Retrieving YARA Rules at Runtime

The default behavior of the yara table is to use YARA rules specified in a file on the osquery host. However, it might be more convenient to manage your YARA rules in one location, and have the yara table fetch those rules at runtime, rather than have to update (and version-manage) a YARA rules file on every individual osquery host. Your organization may also treat YARA rules as security-sensitive data, and you may not wish to store that data on the filesystem of every osquery host.

To configure osquery to allow the fetching of YARA rules at runtime, you have to set up your yara configuration file with the signature_urls section. This will be an array that can be a mix of full URLs pointing to single Yara rule, or a partial URLs, where the path part can be a regex which will be used to match multiple URLs and rules. Each entry exists to later allow single or multiple URLs, provided via the sigurl constraint in the query.

Since the path part of a URL string (the part after the domain) is always parsed as regex, we need to escape the regex special characters like ., if we want to use them to specify a full URL.

Below a configuration example:

"yara": {
  "signature_urls": [

and a couple of queries examples:

# This is valid
SELECT * FROM yara WHERE path="/usr/bin/ls" AND sigurl='https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Yara-Rules/rules/master/cve_rules/CVE-2010-0805.yar';

# This too
SELECT * FROM yara WHERE path="/usr/bin/ls" AND sigurl='https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Yara-Rules/rules/devel/CVE_Rules/CVE-2010-0805.yar';

# This is not allowed
SELECT * FROM yara WHERE path="/usr/bin/ls" AND sigurl='https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Yara-Rules/rules/devel/malware/APT_APT3102.yar';

YARA signature url https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Yara-Rules/rules/devel/malware/APT_APT3102.yar not allowed
Failed to get YARA rule url: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Yara-Rules/rules/devel/malware/APT_APT3102.yar
Query must specify sig_group, sigfile, or sigrule for scan

YARA rule strings are omitted from output by default, to prevent disclosure in osquery's results and logs. To include the YARA rules in the sigrule column, set the enable_yara_string flag to true.


  • Retrieved YARA rules are retrieved only once and then cached; the cached copy is used until it is stale as specified by the HTTP Last-Modified header in the server's response.
  • The osquery agent always validates the HTTPS server certificate of the server providing the YARA signatures, but currently has no support for client authentication. YARA rule files must be accessible without authentication.

Continuous monitoring using the yara_events table

Using the configuration above you can see it in action. While osquery is running, we execute touch /Users/wxs/tmp/foo in another terminal. Here are the relevant queries to show what was detected:

osquery> SELECT * FROM file_events;
| target_path        | category | time       | action  | transaction_id | md5                              | sha1                                     | sha256                                                           |
| /Users/wxs/tmp/foo | tmp      | 1430078285 | CREATED | 33859499       | d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e | da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709 | e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855 |
osquery> SELECT * FROM yara_events;
| target_path        | category | time       | action  | transaction_id | matches     | count |
| /Users/wxs/tmp/foo | tmp      | 1430078285 | CREATED | 33859499       | always_true | 1     |

The file_events table recorded that a file named /Users/wxs/tmp/foo was created with the corresponding hashes and a timestamp.

The yara_events table recorded that 1 matching rule (always_true) was found when the file was created. In this example every file will always have at least one match because we are using a rule which always evaluates to true. In the next example we'll issue the same command to create a file in a monitored directory but have removed the always_true rule from our signature files.

osquery> SELECT * FROM yara_events;
| target_path        | category | time       | action  | transaction_id | matches     | count |
| /Users/wxs/tmp/foo | tmp      | 1430078285 | CREATED | 33859499       | always_true | 1     |
| /Users/wxs/tmp/foo | tmp      | 1430078524 | CREATED | 33860795       |             | 0     |

As you can see, even though no matches were found, a row is still created and stored.

On-demand YARA scanning

The yara table is used for on-demand scanning. With this table you can arbitrarily YARA scan any available file on the filesystem with any available signature files or signature group from the configuration. In order to scan, the table must be given a constraint which says where to scan and what to scan with.

In order to determine where to scan, the path constraint must be a full path to a single file, or a path LIKE with a wildcard pattern. There is no expansion or recursion with this constraint. Note that you must use LIKE if you want to use a wildcard pattern.

Once the where is out of the way, you must specify the "what" part. This is done through either the sigfile or sig_group constraints. The sigfile constraint must be an absolute path to a signature file on the filesystem, not a elative path. The signature file will be compiled only for the execution of this one query and removed afterwards. The sig_group constraint must consist of a named signature grouping from your configuration file.

Here are some examples of the yara table in action:

osquery> SELECT * FROM yara WHERE path="/bin/ls" AND sig_group="sig_group_1";
| path    | matches     | count | sig_group   | sigfile | strings | tags    |
| /bin/ls | always_true | 1     | sig_group_1 |         |         |         |

osquery> SELECT * FROM yara WHERE path="/bin/ls" AND sig_group="sig_group_2";
| path    | matches | count | sig_group   | sigfile | strings | tags    |
| /bin/ls |         | 0     | sig_group_2 |         |         |         |

As you can see in these examples, we scan the same file with two different signature groups and get different results.

osquery> SELECT * FROM yara WHERE path LIKE "/bin/%sh" AND sig_group="sig_group_1";
| path      | matches     | count | sig_group   | sigfile | strings  | tags     |
| /bin/bash | always_true | 1     | sig_group_1 |         |          |          |
| /bin/csh  | always_true | 1     | sig_group_1 |         |          |          |
| /bin/ksh  | always_true | 1     | sig_group_1 |         |          |          |
| /bin/sh   | always_true | 1     | sig_group_1 |         |          |          |
| /bin/tcsh | always_true | 1     | sig_group_1 |         |          |          |
| /bin/zsh  | always_true | 1     | sig_group_1 |         |          |          |

The above illustrates using the path LIKE constraint to scan /bin/%sh with a signature group.

osquery> select * from yara where path LIKE 'C:\tmp\%' and sigfile = "C:\tmp\test.yar.txt";
| path                         | matches     | count | sig_group | sigfile             | strings         | tags |
| C:\tmp\New Text Document.txt | TextExample | 1     |           | C:\tmp\test.yar.txt | $text_string:0  |      |
| C:\tmp\test.yar.txt          | TextExample | 1     |           | C:\tmp\test.yar.txt | $text_string:35 |      |

The above is an example of using an absolute path for sigfile combined with path LIKE. Because the sigfile contains the string its rule is searching for, it has also returned itself as a result.

Tip: you can specify AND count > 0 in your query to return only positive YARA results.

Inline YARA rules with sigrule

Above, we documented how to query the yara table using YARA signatures specified in a local file or retrieved from a remote host. YARA rules can also be provided inline with the query, using the hidden column sigrule as a constraint.

YARA rules take the form of 'rule rulename { condition: [whatever] }' and follow the standard YARA rule syntax.

For example:

osquery> select * from yara where path = '/etc/passwd' and sigrule = 'rule always_true { condition: true }';

YARA rules don't have a line-terminating character. To enter a multi-line YARA rule, use newlines. This even works in osqueryi:

osquery> select * from yara where path LIKE 'C:\tmp\%' and sigrule = 'rule hello_world {
    ...> strings:
    ...> $a = "Hello world"
    ...> condition: $a
    ...> }';
| path                         | matches     | count | sig_group | sigfile | strings | tags |
| C:\tmp\New Text Document.txt | hello_world | 1     |           |         |         |      |

Note: when entering a sigrule inline, be careful to avoid double-quoting the rule and then also a string variable within the rule, as the second " will terminate the rule and cause a syntax error. In the example above, the sigrule string has been single-quoted so the enclosed variable "Hello world" can be double-quoted.

Because allowing arbitrary YARA rules would also make it possible to retrieve arbitrary file data in the strings column, as a protection, the strings column will default to returning empty unless you also set the hidden flag enable_yara_string to true (its default is false).


YARA compile error

Before a YARA scan is performed, the YARA engine compiles the rule(s). An error here indicates there is probably an issue with the YARA rule(s), but, the first thing to check is whether the same rule can be run with the YARA command-line utility: yara64.exe myYaraRule.yar fileToScan.foo. You will be able to get more helpful messages about the compile error. If, however, this actually works as intended, then perhaps you've found a bug! Please let the osquery team know, on Slack or by opening an issue on GitHub.

Error loading YARA rules: 8

At this time, osquery only supports loading plaintext YARA rules/signatures, which it compiles itself at runtime. If these rules have already been compiled into their binary form (e.g. with the yarac CLI tool), osquery will generate an error trying to load the rules.