Logger plugins

For details on how osqueryd schedules queries and loads information from a config, see the configuration deployment guide.

If you would like to use services like scribe or flume, you need to write a C++ function that consumes/handles a string argument.

Example: glog logger

This following is a overly simplified logger plugin that writes results to a glog info line.

#include <osquery/logger.h>
#include <glog/logging.h>

namespace osquery {

class GlogLoggerPlugin : public LoggerPlugin {
  Status logString(const std::string& message) {
    LOG(INFO) << message;
    return Status(0, "OK");

  virtual ~GlogLoggerPlugin() {}

REGISTER(GlogLoggerPlugin, "logger", "glog");

Essentially, you are just implementing a logString method. When the daemon identifies a change to a query schedule it will call the active logger plugin's logString method after converting the change details into JSON.

Using the plugin

Add your source file to osquery/plugins/logger/CMakeLists.txt and it will be compiled and linked.

Now when starting osqueryd you may use --logger_plugin=name where the name is the string identifier used in REGISTER.